Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation and release stagnant blood and toxins. Gua Sha is used most often used on the upper back and neck area to ease muscle stiffness and tension.
Moxibustion, or Moxa, is a method of heating specific acupuncture points by burning the herb Artemesia Vulgaris/Chinese Mugwort near the skin. Moxa is useful certain for types of fatigue, cold-induced conditions, and stagnant blood due to deficiency.
Intuitive Guidance
Intuitive guidance may be offered through energy work, chakra investigation, and other modes of non-scientific based healing systems.
Please let me know if this a desired part of your healing journey.
Cash: $100
Venmo or Cashapp: $115
HSA or Credit Card: $125
Mobile and in-home visits:
$125 (within 5 mile radius)
$150 (outside 5 mile radius)